Monday, February 1, 2010

An Overdue Review - Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA (DE)

I will begin with an oft-heard quote: "IPA's are bitter." I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone tell me this when I mention being a fan of IPAs. Maybe this is a description slightly merited by the names of many pale ales: Hop Devil, Hoptical Illusion, etc. All imply an intensity of sorts in regard to "hoppiness," an experience of occasionally bitter proportions. I'm not even going to lie, I've described Victory's Hop Devil to friends as "a severe case of taste bud assault at the hands of an angry God" despite its obvious deliciousness. I enjoy that bitterness. I like an alcoholic product that occasionally reminds me that it has taste, even at the risk of wincing slightly at the severely epic nature of its deliciousness. Which brings me to one of my favorite beers in the veritable Beer Universe, Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA.

I don't even remember where I first tried this beer, but I am certain I passed by it multiple times without noticing much. The bottle art is simple and to the point: apart from the above-pictured logo, there are merely a few lines describing the ale inside. When I did get to it though, one question popped up in my mind: what on earth is the deal with the "90 Minute"? It's actually pretty to-the-point: once you have the wort (the extract after the mash-making process) boiling, you continually add hops to give the beer its signature flavor. Dogfish Head simply came up with the brilliant idea of adding them for different minute amounts - 60, 90, and for the truly brave and adventurous drinker, 120. And that's all there is to it.

So to the beer itself. I'm drinking one right now, so this should be easy. It pours a gorgeous amber with about a finger's width of light head. The smell is somewhat floral, and all sorts of malty. Taste is where this beer will get you. You do get a bit of alcohol taste, but it's very thin and hard to notice. The fact is that you get hit by about every flavor in the book at once and you don't even know where to begin. Citrus, hops, and malts that remind one of just about everything good you've ever tasted, childhood birthdays, first kiss, fireworks on the 4th of July, etc. One taste you don't get much of? Bitter. If anything, it's one of the most well-balanced beers ever in terms of flavor. Since I bring it up all the time: ABV. It's a 9% ABV, but don't even let me try and convince you that something like that would hold you back from getting a second one. Actually I think I might get a second one soon, now that I mention it.

I'll end with another quote: "Damn, that's a great beer." I've heard that from nearly everyone who has had this beer, including people that dislike beer (if such people exist). Believe me, pick this one up if you haven't already.

Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA: *****/***** (5 out of of 5 stars, seriously)

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